School uniforms...

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School uniforms...
post #1

I thought I would share this here. My younger cousin who is 15 is on the short side. He had joined the football team and the sizes they offered for uniforms are all made for boys over 5'9 clearly. He puts it on untucked and it is like a dress, mind you he wears a medium. He mentioned it to the school and they refused to get it resized for him. When he tucks it in, his pants are so tight he had to get the next size up. Now that the season is over, he is telling everyone he wont be playing next season. Is this something all schools do!?

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Re: School uniforms...
post #2

I never heard of this being an issue. I would look into it though because that is kind of messed up. See if the school is having budget issues and if they aren't, bring it up with the county. 

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Re: School uniforms...
post #3

Now it seems a bit strange that they don't carry smaller sizes being it is school... Wait what grade is it? isn't age 15 10th grade?

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Re: School uniforms...
post #4

I never heard of a school doing this. I second the checking in to it. If his parents don't you do it. Sounds like some BS excuse if you ask me.


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Re: School uniforms...
post #5

I think you are all over thinking this. Most schools only get what sizes they have in stock and always go for the cheapest option because they always have to order extra. 

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Re: School uniforms...
post #6


Originally posted by Hunter

I never heard of this being an issue. I would look into it though because that is kind of messed up. See if the school is having budget issues and if they aren't, bring it up with the county. 

They actually did look into it more and I guess the school has been cutting corners. Still a bull move if you ask me. 


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Re: School uniforms...
post #7


Originally posted by Catman

I think you are all over thinking this. Most schools only get what sizes they have in stock and always go for the cheapest option because they always have to order extra. 

Over thinking what? He couldn't get a proper fitting uniform and wants to not even bother next year. I think it is with in reason to fix this.