Short guys stay married longer than tall guys

Short Vassal
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Short guys stay married longer than tall guys
post #1

According to this NYU study, taller men get married earlier, while shorter men get married later, make more money than their spouses, and marry women who are less educated. 


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Re: Short guys stay married longer than tall guys
post #2

What this means is short guys have to wait and then women take advantage of their hard earned dinero and assets. It is probably a better bet for them to marry down and younger. It means women in their prime who probably want them.

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Re: Short guys stay married longer than tall guys
post #3

Ever see the ABC special on single black women in America? Substitute black women for all women. You can see all of these professionals demanding that their mates be well above 6 ft and make well above 6 figures. They don't realize that their professional status doesn't make them more physically attractive the way the same can make men a far better catch. They have their looks to go on. Ever see Supreme Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor? You think all of her political clout makes her more attractive and has men lining up? I'd bet that Judge Clarence Thomas as old as he is would have a far easier time being a babe magnet. 


Short Vassal
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Re: Short guys stay married longer than tall guys
post #4

The earth revolves around the sun, more at 11. Tall guys getting more divorces is not a negative. Sounds like Taller men have more choices so they can opt out whenever they feel like it.

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Re: Short guys stay married longer than tall guys
post #5

Sorry to bump and old thread but this is interesting. I never heard this before. It does make sense that since taller men can date both short and tall women, they have a bigger range of option so it increases the chance of cheating but at the same time, I have known plenty of guys under 5'9 that got women all the time, and to be blunt, these dudes were jack asses to these women.