Short people's lives matter, except for short men

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Short people's lives matter, except for short men
post #1

Saw this on my Facebook newsfeed earlier

Short Peoples Lives Matter ... Except For Short Guys | ShortGuyCentral

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Re: Short people's lives matter, except for short men
post #2

I can't stand it when a woman attempts to have empathy for short men but then reveals her husband or boyfriend is tall. The empathy always seems fake. 

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Re: Short people's lives matter, except for short men
post #3

More cognitive dissonance when height-splainng. Who would've thought?

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Re: Short people's lives matter, except for short men
post #4

Meh, I don't fault her for having a tall boyfriends, but I agree it is interesting when a woman says things that empowers "short people", she usually means herself. I bet short men aren't even on her radar.

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Re: Short people's lives matter, except for short men
post #5

Always has to throw in how their boyfriend is tall.....

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Re: Short people's lives matter, except for short men
post #6


Originally posted by minilinebacker Always has to throw in how their boyfriend is tall.....

It's like the girl thinks this is a bragging right by saying it. But guess what joke's on her...

HALF the population of men is below average height. That's right--50% of men can call themselves short. Just think about it... average height, by definition, is the MIDDLE of all heights. Therefore, as long as us in the bottom 50% respect the FACT that SHORTER IS BETTER, then there is no choice but for women to accept this reality.

Another piece of information... Based on research mentioned in the page this URL goes to, shorter men have more sex than taller men, regardless of what women's professed preferences are. Here's the link: