"Short? You Just Might Live Longer"

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"Short? You Just Might Live Longer"
post #1

"Get ready to finally embrace your short stature, Skee-Lo!

We've long known that short people live longer than the taller among us. Past studies have examined the relationship between height and lifespan of populations around the world, suggesting that shorter people generally live longer lives, while taller people are more likely to have certain illnesses and develop various types of cancer.

Now, thanks to new research published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers have finally discovered the secret behind shorter people's longevity: It's in their genes."


Source http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/16/short-men-live-longer-study_n_5299557.html

Last Edited By SharkApple (2015-08-17 13:24:45)

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Re: "Short? You Just Might Live Longer"
post #2

This is interesting to say the least. I have seen things that say the opposite honestly. 

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Re: "Short? You Just Might Live Longer"
post #3

I think this just comes down to less room less change of disease. Also, are hearts don't have to work as hard as someone who is taller. 

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Re: "Short? You Just Might Live Longer"
post #4

I don't know if I buy this though. I know plenty of short people who are unhealthy and plenty of tall people who are like 14 year olds in there 40s, 50s and 60s! 

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Re: "Short? You Just Might Live Longer"
post #5


Originally posted by Dez

I don't know if I buy this though. I know plenty of short people who are unhealthy and plenty of tall people who are like 14 year olds in there 40s, 50s and 60s! 

Yeah same here. I thought it was worth sharing though. They make some good points but I think it depends on overall health in the genetics of each family.