Strong inverse association between male height and suicide

Short Vassal
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Strong inverse association between male height and suicide
post #1

Strong Inverse Association Between Height And Suicide Among Swedish Men | Studies | Height | Short Guys | Short King | Short Kingz

A 2005 Swedish study followed a large cohort of men from age 18-49 and noticed a 9% decrease in suicide risk for every 5cm (2 inch) increment in height. 

You can find the American Journal Of Pyschiatry article here

Short Vassal
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Re: Strong inverse association between male height and suicide
post #2

The average height of Swedish men is around 5'11, which is two inches taller than those here in the U.S. I don't see any references to the median height of the men studied. Also, Sweden is by far more mono-racial than over here, or at least it was when the study concluded 20 years ago.

What I'm trying to say is, if you're a short man in Sweden, there is no escape. Here, you can go to immigrant enclaves or the major cities where there is more height variance and fit in.