Tall guys have nothing to prove?

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Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #1

"Some short guys totally own it, and that’s awesome. But my ex was obsessed with it, and even though he tried to act like it didn’t matter, he was always trying to prove that he was “manly” or “tough,” overcompensating by being the “funny guy” who always needs attention. My guy was about 5’7, which isn’t even that short, but his ego was tiny, and very fragile. Really tall guys often have nothing to prove."

Thoughts on this? It was written by a woman who was confessing about dating short men in the past. 

---> http://thoughtcatalog.com/sophie-martin/2014/07/9-confessions-of-a-girl-who-used-to-date-a-short-guy13-reasons-every-girl-deserves-a-tall-guy/

Dark Willow
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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #2

Tall guys have just as much to prove when it comes to women who are worth it. I feel like a 19 year old wrote this article who has little experience in the dating world.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #3

I think her focus should have been more on that he was sensitive and it had nothing to do with his height. She made it more about height than it should have been which makes her sound immature.

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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #4

I don't are what height a man is, if you aren't putting effort into your relationship, the woman shouldn't bother either. At the same time, if you know someone is insecure and you are for them, you should do everything you can you show them they are beautiful the way they are.

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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #5


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly I think her focus should have been more on that he was sensitive and it had nothing to do with his height. She made it more about height than it should have been which makes her sound immature.


This. She took a normal complaint most men and women have about their bf/gf and turned it into a height issue. 

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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #6

I started to read the post and stopped. She sounds like such an insecure woman.

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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #7

"Once in a while, I would wear high heels and just say “*bleep* it,” but we would get looks. In heels, I was a good three inches taller than him, and it felt so weird having this little guy kind of under my arm as we walked. People would make “climbing tree” jokes, and it was the worst. I’m not even that tall!"

This woman sounds like an immature drunk frat girl. How sad. Imagine how he felt with them jokes. But no, it is ALL ABOUT YOU.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #8


Originally posted by GoKnicks


Originally posted by Jelly Kelly I think her focus should have been more on that he was sensitive and it had nothing to do with his height. She made it more about height than it should have been which makes her sound immature.


This. She took a normal complaint most men and women have about their bf/gf and turned it into a height issue. 

Yeah I mean how shallow do you have to be to do this. I can't imagine this made her ex feel good if he saw it. 

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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #9


Originally posted by SharkApple "Once in a while, I would wear high heels and just say “*bleep* it,” but we would get looks. In heels, I was a good three inches taller than him, and it felt so weird having this little guy kind of under my arm as we walked. People would make “climbing tree” jokes, and it was the worst. I’m not even that tall!" This woman sounds like an immature drunk frat girl. How sad. Imagine how he felt with them jokes. But no, it is ALL ABOUT YOU.


After reading this I am convinced that this girl has some sort of issue with herself that she projects on others. 

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Re: Tall guys have nothing to prove?
post #10


Originally posted by Catman I don't care what height a man is, if you aren't putting effort into your relationship, the woman shouldn't bother either. At the same time, if you know someone is insecure and you are for them, you should do everything you can you show them they are beautiful the way they are.


Exactly. I know so many people who love themselves and love others around them that any so called imperfection is not noticed or perfect on them. I don't want a person that will constantly be disapointed about my height. I don't want them to even consider it a "thing". To me, is should be treated like acne. Some people have it, some don't, but it shouldn't stop you from dating someone.