Taller brothers?

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Taller brothers?
post #1

So I have to see if I am alone here. Both my brothers, my older one, and my younger one (I am in the middle) are taller than me. One is 6'5 (8 inches taller) and the other is 6'1 (4 inches taller). Anyone else the "short brother"?

This didn't bug me much when I was younger but in my teens and not early 20's it is annoying. I don't mean to be a downer but My ex actually left me because she liked my taller, older brother more than me and even though he denied her, she left me over it. She was 5'7 so for her, finding a man who is on the taller side isn't as easy as a woman who is 5'3. Either way, since then, I have had issues with trusting women. She was my first girlfriend and I have had nothing but isues with the ladies since. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: Taller brothers?
post #2

That is what I would have done too. How old were you and how old was she when this happened? That makes a huge difference too.

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Re: Taller brothers?
post #3

Ouch.That had to sting. I think the only way this would have been worse is if this happened to you and it was a friend, not your brother. I had a friend in highschool that my then girl left me for. He was on the footbal team, tall, buff, mehh. We stopped talking after that and I haven't seen him since we graduated. 

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Re: Taller brothers?
post #4


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

That is what I would have done too. How old were you and how old was she when this happened? That makes a huge difference too.

I was 15 and my brother was 19. She was 14. So needless to say, I think the age thing made my brother say no. I don't think he would have stabbed me in the back but we weren't on good terms back then. 

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Re: Taller brothers?
post #5


Originally posted by GoKnicks

Ouch.That had to sting. I think the only way this would have been worse is if this happened to you and it was a friend, not your brother. I had a friend in highschool that my then girl left me for. He was on the footbal team, tall, buff, mehh. We stopped talking after that and I haven't seen him since we graduated. 

 I lost a friend over an ex too. When I was 18 I started dating a girl and we were going out for maybe 3 months then she met my "friend" and they ended up hooking up a few days after she broke up with me because of "college". She never went by the way.

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Re: Taller brothers?
post #6

I am sorry this happened to you. I can't imagine how it must of felt. I know it sucks and stings but you can't let one woman ruin your chances with meeting one of few great ones out there. You have to just let the past be the past.