The inverse height horizontal guillotine

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The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #1

When we short guys finally get sick and tired of tall guys pushing us around, taking our jobs and women, and acting like they are the new master race. We should take advantage of the fact that they get everything handed to them, create a new, better society. Round them up like the women want to round us up and make them stand in line. A new "height requirement" will ensue, one where anyone over the height of 5'9 is now as unacceptable as women have claimed a height under 5'9 is. A kind of "inverse" height requirement if you will, in the form of a giant horizontal guilltone on rails, that will cut any and all of those tall fuckers down to size. Heck, maybe if they're lucky enough it'll just take their scalp off, kind of like if we're lucky enough we'll find a girl who doesn't care about height.

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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #2

Lol. I hope this is a joke. Welcome to the forum!!! 

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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #3

Within male social circles there is a pecking order.  Women are always attracted to the alpha male in a social circle.  The alpha male can be determined by any type of criteria.  That criteria could be, who has the nicest car, who is the best surfer, who is fastest as solving a Rebukes Cube, and/or who is tallest in the group that determines who the alpha male will be.   Males in a social circle will seek, and take advantage of any perceived weakness of other males in the group. Height is a trait that males can't hide.  It is the easiest trait for other males to attack.  For that reason it can easily be projected to women as a weakness by taller men.  That's exactly what tall men want.  It would take entirely too much effort to prove to a woman that another man didn't have any integrity, or that he was a liar, or just an all around douche. This also explains the perception that short men are angry; or that they have Napoleon Complex.  If you are short, you will be attacked and/or disrespected throughout your life.  This is because taller men are trying to be the alpha male in the pack.  For many short men their reaction is anger.  

And I am angry, the rest of us short men should be too. Stop being pussies and unite! Times have changed, we have guns now. We can support larger armies with less amounts of food. We are more hardworking cuz we dont get handed everything like tall bastards, more intelligent, and better suited for space faring civilisations. The media has brainwashed us all so we should start there by making tall men out to be rapists and abusers, and lazy, and shitty leaders. Isn't that what they're doing to us? The fact that 90% of CEO's are over 6 foot tall proves they are the ones corrupting the media and job market, intentionally or not. Its not rooted in biology, thats an excuse that has been created.

World war three will be due to height, short men get sick of being fucked over their whole lives and fight back. The nuclear winters are a drag but we came prepared with underwater cities, our skin turns green but oh well, better than the greys that were left on the surface to rot. The chance of life being created is smaller than you think, true aliens wont encounter us for a much longer time. The "aliens" we have seen in our time are actually time travellers from the future, short green men and tall grey men trying to sway the course of events especially the media leading up to the war. Ok I don't know if this last paragraph is true but it would be cool!


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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #4


Originally posted by ointment

And I am angry, the rest of us short men should be too. Stop being pussies and unite! Times have changed, we have guns now. We can support larger armies with less amounts of food. We are more hardworking cuz we dont get handed everything like tall bastards, more intelligent, and better suited for space faring civilisations. The media has brainwashed us all so we should start there by making tall men out to be rapists and abusers, and lazy, and shitty leaders. Isn't that what they're doing to us? The fact that 90% of CEO's are over 6 foot tall proves they are the ones corrupting the media and job market, intentionally or not. Its not rooted in biology, thats an excuse that has been created.

While I get there are times you should be annoyed, frustrated and maybe angry, I think you're reaching way over the top here. You don't fight hate and bias with more hate and bias. You point out the discrimination and make the public aware of it and then shame those who practice it. The last thing you want to do is have people believe that the stereotypes that short men have attached to them are in fact true. 

I for one am very attracted to short men. My current boyfriend is 5'6 and most of my boyfriends have been between 5'4 and 5'8. 

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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #5

The thing is we can't do that because they have already decided that we are angry with chips on our shoulders, but they don't realise they gave them to us, so they will use that to justify us standing up for ourselves. Imagine if there was an imagined correlation with fat women also being aggressive and defensive. When they started their movement people would have just said "its just fat women being aggressive and defensive, they just need to have more confidence!"

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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #6

Yep, all fat women have to do is lose weight. I never heard fat women being blamed for their attitudes...


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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #7


Originally posted by ointment

The thing is we can't do that because they have already decided that we are angry with chips on our shoulders, but they don't realise they gave them to us, so they will use that to justify us standing up for ourselves. Imagine if there was an imagined correlation with fat women also being aggressive and defensive. When they started their movement people would have just said "its just fat women being aggressive and defensive, they just need to have more confidence!"

But the question Ointment is, what are you doing to start that "movement"? Even the fat acceptance people approach it positively which is changing media portrayls and stereotypes.



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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #8

This is the most bizarre thread I've ever seen on the internet. indecision

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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #9

Well ShortyDoWop, we can't approach it from a positive angle. Some guys actually do have a preference for fat women, so what they did was magnify that preference to a point where it is now acceptable. There is absolutely NO preference for us, we are only seen as second best, and the amount of hypocrisy is unbelievable the deeper you dig, so if we try that societys defense mechanisms will kick in and we'll be accused of "whining". Because everyone has this view that height doesnt matter to everyone, yet it matters to themselves. The amount of time I've seen a girl say "height doesnt matter to everyone, its not a big deal. I would love my 6'3 boyfriend no matter what height he is", is mind melting. Replace the first half of that sentence with "I've dated guys of all heights" or "I'm tall myself so I usally prefer taller guys" or "im 5'2 so most guys are taller than me anyway". The result is the same.

Sure we can try highlight our positive attributes. Today I heard two girls behind me complaining about the guy they live with upping their food bill to near double. Wheras we would consume proportionally less food, they don't consider that a positive attribute, they consider it the attribute of a child. This fucked up height difference dynamic has gotten way out of control. Tall idiots being hired and breeding over otherwise superior men, have you ever seen idiocracy? Thats where we're headed. Well I hope the tall men breed to a point where their degenerate limb diseases make their legs snap off, and they accidentaly nuke themselves because they placed the "launch" button next to the short girl vending machine.

Last Edited By ointment (2015-05-26 05:11:51)

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Re: The inverse height horizontal guillotine
post #10


Originally posted by ointment

Today I heard two girls behind me complaining about the guy they live with upping their food bill to near double. Wheras we would consume proportionally less food, they don't consider that a positive attribute, they consider it the attribute of a child. This fucked up height difference dynamic has gotten way out of control. Tall idiots being hired and breeding over otherwise superior men, have you ever seen idiocracy? Thats where we're headed. Well I hope the tall men breed to a point where their degenerate limb diseases make their legs snap off, and they accidentaly nuke themselves because they placed the "launch" button next to the short girl vending machine.

I am four inches shorter than you and do not feel this way. I also do not think women care about who "consumes less food" It's simply they find you attractive or they don't. I wouldn't care how much a woman ate as long as she stayed in shape. What is the average height of men where you live that you wish their legs snapped off? This is a bit extreme. Heightism can be a nasty prejudice and I despise others that believe shortness is an inferior trait, but I'd rather people open their eyes to the absurdity of heightism. I don't wish harm on anyone. I do understand your pain though. Remember, I'm much shorter than you. The average height in my area is 5'10 and I'm way below that lol. 

Last Edited By minilinebacker (2015-05-29 02:21:53)