This drunk

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This drunk
post #1

So I went out to shoot pool last night with some friends. This drunk dude, musta been in his early 40's was hitting on all these 20 somethings. He was a completel pig and full of himself. I can tell her had money too. But the one woman he was hitting on came over to our table and asked us to borrow use our spare stool and this dude stands up and goes "oh! I get it! You have a thing for migets!". I was so pissed off that I left after that game ended. My one buddy was going to start a fight with him over it. Not only was it offensive to me, but very offensive to anyone under 5'. I really wanted to just punch the dude. A few of the other people were laughing too to make matters worse. I swear I hadn't felt that crappy since High School. I just wanted to vent. This is why i don't go out where people drink anymore. 

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Re: This drunk
post #2

Damn I would have not been to happy either but I wouldn't have left. You let him win by doing it. I know it is hard in the momment but you gotta one up people like that, you should bought him a drink. I would have and he woulda looked like more of an ass in front of them women.

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Re: This drunk
post #3

This happened to me at a party before and I ended up in a fight, then in a jail cell for 18 hours. Not a good night. 

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Re: This drunk
post #4


Originally posted by Mouse

This happened to me at a party before and I ended up in a fight, then in a jail cell for 18 hours. Not a good night. 

Most of us have been there. I mean in fights, not jail haha But either way, we can't let this happen and have to rise above it.  

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Re: This drunk
post #5

I don't blame you for wating to do something. I would have wanted to fly off the deep end too but I am proud of you that you didn't. It takes a lot to walk away from something like that and you were the more mature man.

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Re: This drunk
post #6


Originally posted by Spider

Damn I would have not been to happy either but I wouldn't have left. You let him win by doing it. I know it is hard in the momment but you gotta one up people like that, you should bought him a drink. I would have and he woulda looked like more of an ass in front of them women.

I probably should have stayed. I wished I did looking back but I had a migraine that night anyways. Meh.


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Re: This drunk
post #7


Originally posted by Mouse

This happened to me at a party before and I ended up in a fight, then in a jail cell for 18 hours. Not a good night. 

Oh this happened to me too. Spend Christmas even as a jail bird once. My family was so proud. It was over my ex's ex calling me a midget. lol


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Re: This drunk
post #8


Originally posted by SharkApple

I don't blame you for wating to do something. I would have wanted to fly off the deep end too but I am proud of you that you didn't. It takes a lot to walk away from something like that and you were the more mature man.

Thanks I appreciate that.



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Re: This drunk
post #9


Originally posted by ShortNProud


Originally posted by Spider

Damn I would have not been to happy either but I wouldn't have left. You let him win by doing it. I know it is hard in the momment but you gotta one up people like that, you should bought him a drink. I would have and he woulda looked like more of an ass in front of them women.

I probably should have stayed. I wished I did looking back but I had a migraine that night anyways. Meh.


If you would have, you may have snapped. I know if I stayed I would have specially if he kept at it.