What advice do you have for me? I'm 5'8 and want 9s and 10s.

Short Lord
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What advice do you have for me? I'm 5'8 and want 9s and 10s.
post #1

I am a 5'8 guy.  I'm 28 years old and live out in L.A. It seems like L.A. is the land of giants. Every guy around here is at least 5'11. It takes a lot for me to get noticed in clubs by 9s an 10s and I don't want to be pushy. My friends say I dress very well. I have a good paying job as an IT Consultant. I make 90K. I can't seem to find a way in when it comes to talking to the ladies who are 9s and 10s. I pull 7s and below easily. Can you give any advice?

Short Knight
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Re: What advice do you have for me? I'm 5'8 and want 9s and 10s.
post #2

Hey there. I know this is a bit old so I hope no one minds me bumping it. I had issues with women for year, even though I too make good money (arun 70k a year). The problem is that I focused so much on others that I didn't tend to myself. Don't compare yourself, but rather, be the best version of you you can be. In other words, take care of your body, eat healthy, and engage in things you love. When you are happy and confident, women notice that a lot faster than height. 

Short Dame
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Re: What advice do you have for me? I'm 5'8 and want 9s and 10s.
post #3


Originally posted by Larry

Hey there. I know this is a bit old so I hope no one minds me bumping it. I had issues with women for year, even though I too make good money (arun 70k a year). The problem is that I focused so much on others that I didn't tend to myself. Don't compare yourself, but rather, be the best version of you you can be. In other words, take care of your body, eat healthy, and engage in things you love. When you are happy and confident, women notice that a lot faster than height. 

I agree with this. I know this thread is old but incase you come back, real women love real men. Bottom line. Height doesn't matter.