What do I do next?

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What do I do next?
post #1

I came across this woman on plenty of fish. When I met her the feelings were pretty intense. After the first date we went out two more times and after the third date we were ripping each other's clothes off every other day. We were calling each other maybe twice - four times a day. We made plans to go on vacation. She is 5'7 and I'm..........well shorter than that smiley


Five weeks into this she we hung out with her friends and they made a comment about my height. The same night we ripped each other's clothes off again. After that I didn't hear from her for a week. I called her, spent an hour on the phone and told her to call me when she wasn't busy. I didn't hear from her since. That was last week. We planned a weekend get away for this coming weekend and I haven't heard from her. I really don't want waste any money if she is going to be like this. I told her to call me and she didn't. What should I do?

Short Vassal
Height: 5'4
Location: Hollis NYC, United States
Joined: May 05, 2014
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Re: What do I do next?
post #2

stop being a little b**** and call her bruh.