What I can't stand is when height insults are dismissed as a joke

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Height: 5'4
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What I can't stand is when height insults are dismissed as a joke
post #1

Does anyone notice this? Especially in work-related or peer group settings, insults about someone's height are passed off as a "joke", and if you speak up on it, you get told that you're sensitive. How sway?

If you take any height joke and put any other quality about someone, weight, complexion, income, education, those become fireable or otracizeable offenses. "It's just a joke bro".

Whether it be in the movies, online, in print or viewable media, just the sheer idea that someone is short is somehow "hilarious".

It's become normalized.

You could say I don't find the humor in it because I am short, but you could say the same to anyone who is the recipient of any insult. 

Short Vassal
Height: 5'5
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Re: What I can't stand is when height insults are dismissed as a joke
post #2

All of the time. I'm always hearing "lighten up". 🙄