What is the first thing women notice?

Mr Dixon
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What is the first thing women notice?
post #1

In your experience, or for them women out there, what it the first thing a female notices about a man? I know with men to women, it is usually the overall figure, the hair, and the lips. 

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #2

Women seem to notices my height. I am not trying to cast down on us short men or anything but this is something I seem to notice the most when women approach me. 

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #3

The way I dress I would say. I like to dress sharp when I go out places. I think I got that from my mother pounding in into my head when I was going to school. "Always look your best!!" lol

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #4


Originally posted by ShortNProud

Women seem to notices my height. I am not trying to cast down on us short men or anything but this is something I seem to notice the most when women approach me. 

I get this feeling as well but the few I asked all said my hair or my eyes. So I am torn on the question. 

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #5

I would ay clothes. Women love their clothes haha Then hair, eyes, hands, and height. Why did I say height last? While a lot of women prefer taller men, I think they still notice when a shorter man has it going on haha

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #6

I think it depends on the woman. Some will see clothes, others eyes, a smile, hair, height, weight, ect. 

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #7

I think a smile is the first thing women notice! 

Kevin Hart Smile

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #8


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy

I think a smile is the first thing women notice! 

Kevin Hart Smile

I read that is what use men notice first. I must say it isn't the first thing I notice on a woman but it is up there. Not all women smile all the time so my eyes go else where LOL

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #9

Women are drawn to smiles, posture, and shoulders more than anything. 

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Re: What is the first thing women notice?
post #10

First thing women notice is whether I am a creep or not.