What is the ideal height to you?

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What is the ideal height to you?
post #1

I wasnt sure where to put this but it has been on my mind. Like to most people, for a man, I think the height ideal is 6'. Being that the female average is 5'4... I think 5'7/5'8 should be ideal. This way she can wear heels and still not be taller. Maybe I am over thinking things again haha

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Re: What is the ideal height to you?
post #2

Well since this is for men, I guess I should do it for women. I would have to say that 5'3 to 5'6 is the ideal range. 


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Re: What is the ideal height to you?
post #3

I never gave it much thought. I mean I can be selfish and say 5'4 but I know most women are averaging this height. So yeah, I would agree that the 5'7/5'8 mark SHOULD be ideal. 


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Re: What is the ideal height to you?
post #4

I can throw a number out there but it wont make a difference. This world is filled with "ideals" and that wont change so long as the popular kids run hollywood. 

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Re: What is the ideal height to you?
post #5

5'7 seems about right to me. I would rather see couples around the same height then these dramatic differences.