Who has it worse...

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Who has it worse...
post #1

An average looking man who is 6'+ or a good looking man who is under 5'8?

(In respects to dating and going out on dates/meeting women,ect)

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Re: Who has it worse...
post #2

Well I guess this depends on the woman. I mean in my experience, I am not a bad looking dude and I have had women go for my taller friend over me who is what most would consider average so you know my answer.

Dark Willow
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Re: Who has it worse...
post #3

I would say a short good looking man based on how people react to attractive actors heights who are short.



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Re: Who has it worse...
post #4


Originally posted by Bonez

Well I guess this depends on the woman. I mean in my experience, I am not a bad looking dude and I have had women go for my taller friend over me who is what most would consider average so you know my answer.

I think we have all had this happen before. My friend who is a female, she is very beautiful but I look at her like a sister. We grew up together. Well, she always dates these weird looking tall dudes and when I asked her about my friend who liked her, she turned the idea down. He is short but he looks a lot like Brad Pitt. So go figure. 

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Re: Who has it worse...
post #5


Originally posted by Dark Willow

I would say a short good looking man based on how people react to attractive actors heights who are short.



I agree. Thinking about all the women who drool over men then meet them in person. I think there was a post on that Twlight guy somewhere on here and women were pissed he was short.