Why do men think ALL women hate short guys?

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Why do men think ALL women hate short guys?
post #1

"Women hate short men. All women, when given the opportunity, will leave a short man for a tall man. This is because women view tall men as higher value (in general). The only way you can prevent this is to make yourself higher value than taller men. You can do this by working out and by being successful in whatever you choose to do. Keep in mind that "nerdy interests" will not make you a higher value man. Good luck."

I read that comment online. What bothers me about this is that he is telling someone that "ALL women prefer taller men". Also, why does having "nerdy interests" devalue a person? My younger sister loved nerdy guys and from what I have been told (unfortunately) by my friends, she is a knock out.

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Re: Why do men think ALL women hate short guys?
post #2

What do you expect online? This is the kind of answer some "once popular" dude would tell a 15 year old when he asks for advice.

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Re: Why do men think ALL women hate short guys?
post #3

I agree with Dale. When it comes down to it, you only hear this crap being said in person from teens or drunks, online it comes from everyone.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Why do men think ALL women hate short guys?
post #4

Online is filled with this no matter where you go. Wait until it starts on here. I mean I know the owner will put the ban hammer down but it is bound to happen.

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Re: Why do men think ALL women hate short guys?
post #5

No all women prefer tall men. Some women prefer men closer to their height. I mean if I was a super short girl I wouldn't want to be with a super tall dude because that just sets the stage for back problems and neck aches haha