Why do people hate math?

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Why do people hate math?
post #1

I know very few people who actually like the subject. I am a Mathematics nerd and can't relate to say the least. I only know a handful of people who like  solving equations and the subject overall. Do people hate it because they hate working with numbers and find it incrediblly boring, or is it because people are lazy and therefore give up too easily. I notice that when people say they hate Math, they aren't scrutinized the same way they are when it comes to other subjects like History and English. Why do you think that is.


If you couldn't tell, I'm a bit of a Math nerd wink

Last Edited By snoweyflake (2014-06-18 07:11:34)

Short Vassal
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Re: Why do people hate math?
post #2

I was a math wiz in High School and College. Made it all of the way to Differential Equations. Some people just aren't math people and excel more with literature based subjects that involve reading and writing. I think people lack the discipline to stay the course when it comes to arithemetics, especially with anything beyond Algebra and Geometry. 

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Re: Why do people hate math?
post #3

People hate math because they are inferior at it. Simple.

Its like tall people looking down on short people - they think they are better. In many ways, they are.

Math is the same thing, in reverse.

Short Vassal
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Re: Why do people hate math?
post #4

> evilbaga wrote: > People hate math because they are inferior at it. Simple. Its like tall people looking down on short people - they think they are better. In many ways, they are. Math is the same thing, in reverse.


Wow. Haven't seen you in a long time evilbaga. Welcome back! Hope all is well.