Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?

Short Vassal
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Height Growth
Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #1

For those who say you can't grow taller at age 35, that it's impossible this and that. Guess what's good news? Yes you can.

And I already saved up some money to do it in 2 years. Going for 3 inches first. If I like it, then 2 more inches.

What after that? I'll be 5'9" or 5'11". What is the deep point? Go after your dreams if you want it badly. Pain is temporary, height is forever.

What is a permanent way to grow taller for those who have the resources?

Height surgery www.makemetaller.org read the hospitals where they do it safely and read the diaries.

What's stopping you? Fear. What's not stopping me? You live once and have the resources and the only thing you should fear is the Lord not pain or a 0.5% chance of having a problem.

Where do they do this safely? In many places in the US

What is the cost to do it safely? $60,000 here in North Hollywood, $80k or so in Florida and few places in Baltimore, MD

How much can you lengthen safely? 4-5 inches in 2 pair of bones. Or juts 3 inches in one shot.

How does this sound? Fear only the Lord, not the money, not the pain. Height surgery is improving, not perfecting yourself.

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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #2

Why does Tom Cruise need to do that when he's already almost a Billionaire?

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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #3

Tom Cruise is an Academy Award winning, repeat box office sellout, with acting credits well over 3 decades now. Why exactly would he need LL at this stage in his career? He could have done this when he was up and coming and thank god he didn't. He is well over 50 now.

I see no reason why this would even cross his mind.

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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #4

Why he never did that despite being shorter than his past 2 girlfriends? He doesn't have any height insecurity.

How can we brothers help each other get rid of that insecurity? It's something I wish I could get rid off too.

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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #5

How does that make any sense though? Tom Cruise was already a mega movie star before he met any of this wives, and it was common knowledge that Cruise was short. These women knew well before meeting him that he was short and they didn't have a problem with it (the fact that they roasted him later because of it is insignificant, because they both loved him). Why would Tom Cruise of all people need Leg Lengthening?


If he for some reason decided to do this, all bets would be off. No one would respect him. You think no one would notice that a man who has been in the spotlight for 3 decades is all of a sudden a few inches taller. He has played roles of men a foot taller, still gets chosen and still gets paid.

Last Edited By minilinebacker (2014-05-22 04:22:55)

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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #6

Isn't it interesting that all of you want to grow taller to potentially find more mates and a larger dating pool?

Why would he want to grow? Maybe height neurosis, aka height dysphoria, short man dysphoria, a man 180cm tall can have height dysphoria, it's one of the things that therapy or counseling has little effect. Let me quote from Dr. Dror Paley

Dr. Dror Paley, a renowned osteopathic surgeon at the Paley Institute at St. Mary's Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Fla., performed 650 leg-lengthening surgeries last year.

Most of Paley's patients have severe deformities or dwarfism, but he also sees cosmetic patients. "The majority who come for cosmetic limb lengthening have what we call, height dysphoria. They're unhappy with their height," said Paley, adding that therapy has little effect on changing a patient's views. "It's one of the few psychologic-psychiatric disorders that you can actually cure with the knife."

So is it you folks want to be 6'1" to get more girls? Isn't it because you have height neurosis aka height dysphoria? Why would I want to do this? For myself, not for dating as I have no problem having girls to be attracted to me. To cure my height neurosis aka height dysphoria.

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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #7

How does the surgery affect athletic ability?

Maid Marian
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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #8

You're 5'6. Why do you need to grow a few inches and why would you put your body through that unnecessary trauma? You do understand that no matter what these doctors say, they all stand to profit right? They downplay the complications that WILL arise post-op to reel you in. I know 5'6 isn't tall, but it's not so short that you won't have any dating chances. I think whatever dating issues you may have may be more because of you (personality) more than it is your height.

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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #9

Those who have the surgery never go back to being 100% the way they were pre-operation. I've read the MMT diaries and many complain of chronic pains.

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Re: Why Tom Cruise doesn't get height surgery if he can grow 5 inches?
post #10

There is a post on r/short where they are talking about post-op. Basically, two patients who went overseas caught major pin site infections and may have to have both legs amputated. I wouldn't touch that surgery with a ten foot pole.