Wife doesn't want short kids, so suggests sperm donor to husband

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Wife doesn't want short kids, so suggests sperm donor to husband
post #1

This stuff is unreal. Visit this reddit thread where a woman suggests that they should use a sperm donor to have a kid instead of his actual sperm. What a slap in the face. Even if you get married you have to walk on eggshells as a short man.



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Re: Wife doesn't want short kids, so suggests sperm donor to husband
post #2

Appalling. Why not spare him the feelings by not marrying him in the first place?

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Re: Wife doesn't want short kids, so suggests sperm donor to husband
post #3

He screwed up by letting her know his feelings about being short and how it affected his life. Rule #1, never open up emotionally to your woman. Sounds primitive, but once women know you are weak, they lose attraction.