Woman tells matchmaker in China, "180cm and up please".

Short Vassal
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Woman tells matchmaker in China, "180cm and up please".
post #1

Woman Tells Matchmaker In China, 6ft And Up Please | Height And Dating | Short King | Short Kingz

I don't know where in China this is, but she specifies that she wants a man who is at least 1.8 meters (six feet).

So much for "Just date Asian girls bro". 😂

You can find the Instagram video here.

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Re: Woman tells matchmaker in China, "180cm and up please".
post #2

Western dating dynamics are slowly infecting the east. The average male height in China currently is around 5'8. Her starting off her requirements with 180cm is crazy.

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Re: Woman tells matchmaker in China, "180cm and up please".
post #3

there is a stereotype of asian women which claims that they are only attracted to tall white men.  from my observations this seems to be very accurate.  for example, there is a very attractive asian women at my gym who is around my height (5'6) and her BF is a 6'8 white guy.

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Re: Woman tells matchmaker in China, "180cm and up please".
post #4

Most Asian men I know out here are on the shorter side (yes, there are plenty of taller ones I know), so I know picking are even slimmer for women with her mindset where she is. To me it just means that the 80/20 rule over there would be like 95/5 if most women there have her mindset. Good for the 5% I guess. 🤷‍♂️

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Re: Woman tells matchmaker in China, "180cm and up please".
post #5

She's saying this, but almost positive in ten years, she'll be married to someone 5'10 or 5'8.