Woman Upset That Most Guys On Dating Site Are Between 5'7 and 5'9

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Woman Upset That Most Guys On Dating Site Are Between 5'7 and 5'9
post #1

This woman is mad because there are too many men below 5'10 on dating sites. 

Short Men Dating: Woman Fed Up With Short Men On Dating Site | ShortGuyCentral

Last Edited By joshbaskins (2016-07-29 02:04:31)

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Re: Woman Upset That Most Guys On Dating Site Are Between 5'7 and 5'9
post #2

Let her suffer then. Geez, a lot of these women invent their own fudging problems. Like 5'9 is so short? Even in heels they'd be about the same height. What a loser. Hope she stays single.

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Re: Woman Upset That Most Guys On Dating Site Are Between 5'7 and 5'9
post #3



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Re: Woman Upset That Most Guys On Dating Site Are Between 5'7 and 5'9
post #4

Lol, there are single mothers out there with 2+ kids that would kill for a good man in that height range or shorter. Maybe one day, 5 years from now, if she's still on there, she'll realize that finding a good man who wants to date her seriously would not be as tall 5'10. To each his/her own but I what can I say? I have a preference for curvy/thick women but am open to any size that's reasonable to me. 

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Re: Woman Upset That Most Guys On Dating Site Are Between 5'7 and 5'9
post #5

Meh, it seems like most of the women on dating sites are either overweight or single mothers.  Often both.  As a childfree man who has put a lot of effort into maintaining a healthy physique, I'm not interested in either category.