Women who talk trash about short guys

Short Vassal
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Women who talk trash about short guys
post #1

Yesterday I was sitting in the lunch quarters at work when this co worker of mine ranted for 15 min about how upset she was for going on a date with a guy who turned out to be two inches shorter than he said he was. Another female co worker jumped in a said how short guys were so horrible and suffered from short man syndrome. After that she looked at me and said "no offense".


Why is it acceptable to bad mouth short guys? (and in front of them at that). I've seen the same woman tell on one of my male co workers for making fat jokes (he was written up)

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Re: Women who talk trash about short guys
post #2

Yes. There is a meme floating around on social media that goes like this. "What do you call men 5'11 and under.......Friends". I hear women discuss this all of the time.

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Re: Women who talk trash about short guys
post #3

At the moment it is socially acceptable to verbally abuse short guys. People see it as comedy. It won't change unless you speak up about it. Many choose to ignore it which is bad for us as a whole.

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Re: Women who talk trash about short guys
post #4

I had this happen at work also. I told the girl off. I told her that if I made similar comments about fat girls or ugly girls, I would probably have my head ripped off.

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Re: Women who talk trash about short guys
post #5

This is girl talk. Ignore 'em. Female privilege says they can criticize us but we can't do the same to them. Ignore them unless they blatantly disrespect you.

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Re: Women who talk trash about short guys
post #6

Trust me. When a lot of these women hit the wall at 35, they will welcome a lot of men they wouldn't have looked at earlier with open arms. Hehehe. Girls are allowed to make fun of guys for any of their faults even in the workplace and everybody is supposed to laugh. I can't even look at a woman the wrong way where I work otherwise HR would be up my canal.

Short Vassal
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Re: Women who talk trash about short guys
post #7

Ignore them. If you know them personally or work with them, put them in their places. If you don't, they will keep on and on.