Would you date a woman under 4'9?

Short Knight
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Would you date a woman under 4'9?
post #1

My friend asked me this question and I said yeah why not if I find her attractive and she is a sweet person. Then he goes, you know 4'9 and under is a midget right? I never heard this. I figured I would ask you fells on here. I see a lot of little women who are beauitful in their own way.

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Re: Would you date a woman under 4'9?
post #2

I dated one gal who was 4'10 and honestly didn't realize how short she was until I seen her around other people but I loved that about her. 



Mr Dixon
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Re: Would you date a woman under 4'9?
post #3

Honestly, I don't like women to be much sorter than me so I wouldn't go out of my way but if I met her and we hit it off, I am sure I would. But again, I wouldn't be looking. That short reminds me of little girls and that is sick. lol I am sorry but under a certain weight and height, women will remind me too much of children and it grosses me out.

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Re: Would you date a woman under 4'9?
post #4

If she is a hotty why notty? LOL Okay I will stop being corny but seriously, yes. I am a short man so if anything I would feel tall.