Girls at the bar

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Girls at the bar
post #1

Hi friends. Did you get to start with girls at the bar, who refused you just because of the height. I'm originally from Israel, and it happens a lot of times, and I would like to compare how it is elsewhere in the world.

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Re: Girls at the bar
post #2

Hi nimrofyosi. Welcome to the forum.

Yes, this happens all over the world and it won't be just because of your height, but many times it will be because of your height. 

Develop a thick skin and get used to it. It will be hard. Remember though that women can be extremely brutal in a bar setting where they are constantly being pursued (and this can be in any social setting for that matter).

Short height will be a negative to many women, but what it means for you is to be tough minded, don't take it completely to heart (it will take time to let nasty comments roll off of your back) and keep approaching. 50 approaches with one win, is better than 10 approaches with none. 

Learn to pick up on signals that a woman is interested, and back off if she isn't. 

Know that men average height and tall get rejected all of the time, so it won't be unique to you.