Condom assumptions

Mr Dixon
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Condom assumptions
post #1

I was buying some today, got the magnums, the ones I always get. I take them up to the woman at the register and she gives me this look, like scans my body then fluffs out this chuckle. I asked if something was wrong and she said "nope" with an attitude. She musta have been around 25. I know it is because I am shorter and thinner. She is assuming because of this, I have a small size downstairs. Anyone ever get this? What BS!

Dark Willow
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Re: Condom assumptions
post #2

People will always assume the worst about you no matter what you do. That is what I come to understand. There are few people in this world who are actually nice.

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Re: Condom assumptions
post #3

This happens all the time I am sure. Don't feel like you are alone here. I buy the regular ones myself so I never had this happen but I guess with the way people view sex now a days, they believe short men have short, well, weiners lol

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Re: Condom assumptions
post #4

This just reminds me of the white man black man jokes. It is old and far from fact. People need to joins us here in the real world. I wouldn't take any mind to it. She sounds like a moron. 


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Re: Condom assumptions
post #5


Originally posted by Dark Willow

People will always assume the worst about you no matter what you do. That is what I come to understand. There are few people in this world who are actually nice.

Being nice isn't the problem. Being honest is. People would rather assume things about each other then take the time to honestly know them.