Been using kettlebells.

Dark Willow
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Been using kettlebells.
post #1

I wanted to share that I have been using them, well, rather one (20 pounds) for about a week and I am already seeing changing happening in my body. I think I put on a bit of muscle already and I look more toned. 

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Re: Been using kettlebells.
post #2

Good to hear. I never used them myself but I am considering it. Someone at my friend's gym swears by them.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Been using kettlebells.
post #3

I recently got a 10 pound one and hurt my back lol I guess it is something you have to do right or you will hurt yourself.


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Re: Been using kettlebells.
post #4

Awesome job Dark Willow! Kettlebells are great for leaning out and core strength. 

Reddit has a solid /r/Kettlebell subreddit if you want to learn exercise variations. There are also a lot of kettle bell specific gyms starting to pop up in the U.S. Might be worth checking out if you can swing by.




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Re: Been using kettlebells.
post #5

I was messing around with my cousins kettle bells the other day and pulled my back lol I guess it is best to leave this to the people who know what they are doing.