How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?

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How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #1

I want to hear your guys/gals thoughts on this. I have said stuff in the past but I end up coming off as a tool which I don't want to be but at the same time letting this stuff slide is not wise either. It is like just lying down and taking abuse we don't deserve. 

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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #2

It depends on the situation. You can't really get away with it when you argue with a drunk but a woman who makes a comment, you can just say something like "when was the last time your weight or dress size made you feel bad?" and walk away. It gives them something to think about without being a douche about it.

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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #3

Honestly, in most cases people are going to take it the wrong way anyways. There is no way to avoid it so be as kind and to the point as you can be. I honestly don't care if I come off as a dick as long as I know that wasn't my intentions. 

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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #4

I guess I would just be honest and say something like your words often hurt more people then you realize so maybe you should think before you speak... Which can lead to an attack about being a "*bleep*" but at least you weren't being a dick about it, right?

Mr Dixon
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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #5


Originally posted by Dez

Honestly, in most cases people are going to take it the wrong way anyways. There is no way to avoid it so be as kind and to the point as you can be. I honestly don't care if I come off as a dick as long as I know that wasn't my intentions. 

That is the way I see it. People allow themselves to get offended. We are all in charge of our own feelings. No one can make us feel a set way without us choosing to allow it.

Dark Willow
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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #6

If I stand up for myself, I am either going to end up in a fight or someone will end up crying lol I don't know any other way around it. When someone offends me that much, be it man or woman, I will offend them. I don't care. 

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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #7


Originally posted by ShortNProud

It depends on the situation. You can't really get away with it when you argue with a drunk but a woman who makes a comment, you can just say something like "when was the last time your weight or dress size made you feel bad?" and walk away. It gives them something to think about without being a douche about it.

I like this idea. You make a point and cause them to reconsider what they just said. 

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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #8


Originally posted by Dark Willow

If I stand up for myself, I am either going to end up in a fight or someone will end up crying lol I don't know any other way around it. When someone offends me that much, be it man or woman, I will offend them. I don't care. 

You don't want to have that "I don't care" attitude though. It gets you no where in life. You do care, if you didn't care you would have never posted this. 


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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #9


Originally posted by Dez

Honestly, in most cases people are going to take it the wrong way anyways. There is no way to avoid it so be as kind and to the point as you can be. I honestly don't care if I come off as a dick as long as I know that wasn't my intentions. 

I agree with this as well. People will be butt hurt about one thing or another so you can't really avoid something like this. It really depends on the person you are standing up to.

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Re: How can you stand up for yourself without being a d*** about it?
post #10


Originally posted by Hunter

I guess I would just be honest and say something like your words often hurt more people then you realize so maybe you should think before you speak... Which can lead to an attack about being a "*bleep*" but at least you weren't being a dick about it, right?

Well no one wants to be considered a *bleep* though am'I right?