Why is "tall" the first trait so many women ask for...

Jelly Kelly
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Why is "tall" the first trait so many women ask for...
post #1

Also, being "tall" isn't really a trait! This basically sums it up. I can't even handle speaking with most of my girlfriends anymore because they have these views and as I have said on here, my boyfriend is short.


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Re: Why is "tall" the first trait so many women ask for...
post #2

The old one was "Tall, dark, and handsome" now it is "Tall, rich, and funny".

When was the last time you seen a thing like this for men? Like what we want in a woman? 

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Re: Why is "tall" the first trait so many women ask for...
post #3


Originally posted by GoKnicks

The old one was "Tall, dark, and handsome" now it is "Tall, rich, and funny".

When was the last time you seen a thing like this for men? Like what we want in a woman? 

Hey now, don't act so innocent! I know plenty of guys who wont date a woman unless she has the right curves. Men's preferences just fit into smaller glasses.

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Re: Why is "tall" the first trait so many women ask for...
post #4

Some men are the same way and some women are nothing like this. You can't classify everyone based on a high statistic.