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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
3 1,480
Thu Sep 03, 2015 04:21 PM
NaturalHeightGrowth is such a scam I swear

I used to visit that site at least four times a week. The owner of that site, there might be two of them "research" ways on how to get taller. They go around and regurgitate all of this garbage about all of these "scientists" who are studying "growth plate regeneration" and all of these supposed "breakthroughs" on chemicals and procedures coming out to make people taller.

NEWSFLASH, it will NEVER HAPPEN. There is no way nor will there every be a way to get taller after you pass puberty and no one cares enough to fund some crapola like that.

The site has years worth of articles and not a single one that irrefutably gets people to grow taller. All they have are a bunch of scammy products with amazon links to make the site owners richer while playing on men's insecurities. It's a damn hoax. 

If you're over 30 then chances are you spent your 20s researching that "one thing that nobody knows about" or that "secret method that some rogue doctor has" to help you get that growth spurt you never got. Well, that's how they make money, but playing on those people.

TL:DR the only way to get taller is elevator shoes or some risky $100,000 that will break your legs and render you never to play sports again. Natural height growth is nothing but trash. 

4 1,781
Fri Jul 10, 2015 07:14 PM
Can stretches and exercise effect height?

I read on a blog that doing these regularly can add up to a whole inch on your height, even in your 20s, 30s, and beyond. Anyone every hear of this?

3 2,051
Fri Jul 03, 2015 01:11 PM
Anyone ever use height increase shoes?

I know a few famous men who have like Tom Cruise. I never used them but I have considered getting some for work just it is less strain on my back.

4 2,872
Sat May 16, 2015 11:34 PM
Doctors can print growth plates with 3D printers!

Looks like anyone wanting to grow taller might have a chance in their lifetime with this new technology. I read about this on the natural height growth blog and it says that scientists have printed 3D spinal discs and there is nothing to stop them from printing new growth plates. Check it out here

4 2,494
Tue May 05, 2015 05:58 PM
Chemical Rexalin might make you grow taller.

The guys over at NHG keep doing research. Here is an article they recently published that says that this breakthrough chemical used in  in bone re-modeling might back you taller. 

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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