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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Anyone notice that height cliques are a thing?

Something I notice at my college is how a lot of guys will form height cliques.

This isn't something that is blatant or consciously intentional (or maybe it is), but it happens. 

It might be the friendship version of what I've read about assortative mating. Almost like another hierarchy.

I'm not counting athletes hanging together on campus and not ignoring guys who may have been friends since childhood or through work.

In the general sense, it's just something I notice. It's almost as if it's beneath them to hang with people who are much shorter than them. When I go to campus parties or some social events, outside of people who have common interests, new friendships tend to form this way.

To some extent, it was even like this a bit in high school.

Does anyone else notice this? 

0 100
Sun Aug 18, 2024 12:04 PM
Is there such thing as "fragile" or "toxic femininity"?

Shorter guys routinely get called out for having alleged "little man syndrome" and for having fragile egos for either "feeling intimidated" by or refusing to be open to dating women significantly taller. First off, the number of women who are willing to do this at any height is is infinitesimal. We're talking about a super tiny minority. But even for those who are open, again, men are called out for their supposed insecurities around this. I personally am okay with dating taller women. 

Now what about the opposite. All of these women who refuse to date shorter guys, or have said things like, "what am I going to do with him", "I'd squish him", or "I just can't see myself dating a shorter guy"; why aren't they called out for their toxic femininity? Isn't that also an insecurity? Or is it different because you know, insecurity only matters in men?

0 67
Thu Jul 18, 2024 09:55 AM
Which U.S. city would you say is best for short guys looking to date?

For those who travel and have lived in different cities around the U.S., or maybe you have had success in your city and haven't traveled; which city would you say is the best look for shorter men.

I'd say NYC is a great place to be a short guy. There is plenty of competition and height queens of course, but with a very diverse population of 8 million (both ethnically and height-wise), it is not uncommon to see a 5'3 guy with someone attractive.

For the poll, I added regions, but when you answer, please mention the city, state and why.

What say you?

P.S. - I know Florida is a part of the south, but it is culturally different from the rest of the south IMO.

4 493
Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:06 AM
Short guys who get told they're handsome, is dating any better?

What are your biggest challenges and biggest wins?

Is your experience dating different from shorter men who seem to have more negative interactions with women? In other words, does your facial attractiveness and or physique mitigate height bias?

On the other end, are any of you withdrawn from the dating market and tired of it due to negative experiences?

Finally, when you other guys see you winning, do they get jealous and try to drag you down?

2 412
Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:42 AM
Are there any cultures that prefer shorter men?

Exactly as my title asks. There are a minority of cultures for example that are matriarchal. India's Khasi tribe, Ghana's Akan and Costa Rica's Bribri people come to mind.

I can't seem to find any societies where shorter men are preferred. Do these exist?

1 149
Sat Jul 13, 2024 09:12 AM
Does the word "short" feel like an insult to you?

I notice that a lot of guys find the word "short" as an insult and "tall" a compliment.

0 182
Thu Jun 20, 2024 05:43 AM
Do you think women are more demanding of short guys in relationships?

First off, I am new here. I'm a little over 5'4.

I am thinking back to my past relationship. I was with this woman for a little over a year. During that time, I paid for pretty much every date and did everything she ever asked me to. This includes paying for a baby sitter when her and I would go out, or if she had an errand to do and needed one in order to handle some of her responsibilities. I spent a lot of my time on her including handling chores around her around her apartment and even helping her with her light bill.

In retrospect, she barely did anything for me. I would go out of my way to plan her birthdays (celebrated two of hers in our time together) taking her out and giving thoughtful gifts. For me, not a thing. At times, she even seemed a bit ungrateful.

This makes me wonder if some women make shorter guys work harder to compensate for their lack of height and that those same women think that they are god's gift to you because you aren't as deserving of them as our taller counterparts. If this is true, it sucks because it might mean that a lot of shorter guys may behave the same and that those women can pick up on that. 

I am not exaggerating when I say I was really into this woman and I'd like to think she felt the same way about me, that was until she left me out to dry by leaving when she believed I had nothing else to offer her. 

3 252
Wed Jun 19, 2024 09:02 PM
Can money "save" a short guy?

I'm in college and dating is okay, but I've read how tough it is for us guys when we get into the "real world". You always hear a lot of people say that "yeah, but if you're rich, you'll be okay". Or they will point out celebrities and say, "see X CELEBRITY gets all of the ladies and respect".

Now, I am not trying to attract gold diggers, so my goal is NOT to get money TO attract women in droves. I'm more curious about how this work. I can't imagine an old balding guy who is foaming at the mouth holding the latest iPhone having a woman say. "OMG, that guy over there has an iPhone 10, I'm totally going to dump that guy and get with that old balding guy over there".

Is it more about going fancy places and going on vacations? Wouldn't that look like you're trying to "compensate".

Even though I'm in college, in my social circle, I'm considered the "wealthiest" because of the gig work I do on the side (I do SEO and word press design). I don't broadcast this though. I wear regular clothes and drive an average car, but so do many of the athletes on campus and they swim in female attention.

You mean to tell me if I wear a suit and tie everywhere or dress in expensive clothes, I'll get way more female attention that I do now? 

14 659
Wed Jun 19, 2024 03:53 PM
Anyone here shorter than their mother?

As almost a matter of fact, I frequently come across men who are shorter than their fathers. This is not that out of the ordinary. What I rarely see though are men shorter than their mothers. I do not doubt that some cases like this exist, but are any of you shorter than your mother?

0 127
Thu Jun 06, 2024 05:42 AM
Is there such thing as a "tall man complex"?

We've all heard of the dreaded "Napoleon complex". While this is grossly exaggerated, I've noticed some strong entitlement from taller men (I'm talking like 6' and up) when they don't get their way, or they feel some kind of way about a shorter guy outperforming them, or even the idea of it. What say you?

2 451
Sun May 05, 2024 12:19 PM
What advice would you give your son if he was short in today's time?

This message is really for the older guys on the forum. I'm in college in New York City, and dating isn't impossible, but there are challenges as a lot of the girls here are pretty blatantly vocal about their distaste for shorter guys. I don't get much issues with respect as I have a good circle of friends, though I come across some jerks from time to time.

I've read on other forums how dating was easier for shorter guys back in the day. How true is this and as my question says, if your son was short in today's time, what advice would you give him?

0 164
Sun May 05, 2024 08:20 AM
Is being ugly worse than being short for a man?

I'm not referring to having acne or being overweight, rather being completely and unequivicoally hideous in the face. 

I ask this question because I have been on sites whose target demographic are the "facially challenged" and have seen similar sentiments to what I have read on boards that cater to shorter guys (though not so much this one since we seem to have a lot of confident shorter men here). 

Maybe I'm biased because I myself am short so think everything can be "fixed". The men who claim they are "ugly" seem like if they put effort into their appearance (hair, clothes) etc, they'd be just fine. Or maybe those guys would think the same about us!

Is if confirmation bias or do you all think otherwise? 

2 211
Wed Apr 24, 2024 06:22 PM
If men change their appearance, they're vein?

Man undergoes LL to go from 5'3 to 5'9.

Woman undergoes cosmetic dental surgery to change the shape of her face and perfect her smile.

Why the difference in feedback?


1 296
Sat Apr 13, 2024 01:39 PM
What's the point of our lives as short men?

Honestly, most of us are single, childless and depressed.  What's the point of our lives, is it to suffer until we die?  That's a very bad life.  Why not end it sooner and end the suffering and misery?

1 1,521
Sat Oct 02, 2021 02:22 PM
Any advice on how to appear older and more mature?

Hi. I am glad this place exists. I am starting out in my career and want to be taken more seriously. I notice that the taller guys in my field (IT) get taken more seriously even when they know less and can provide less solutions than myself. I am not saying this to sound arrogant, but I get the impression that there is a connection between their height and perceived trustworthiness. 

Any advice on how I can appear more mature or older? I guess this would be a request for style advice. I know you have a style forum here but this "community" forum seems to be more active.


0 696
Sun Aug 29, 2021 09:32 AM
Can we have a "Whiner" category?

Or come up with a name for this category? This site is supposed to be for successful short men. Posts which feature constant whining or a "we just can't get ahead" mindset hurt this site's brand in my opinion. There are enough sites where short men who aren't woke or figured out life yet, whine and complain like little kids. 


0 601
Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:23 PM
Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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