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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
Bad Experiences

Hi guys,    

I have had some bad experiences with women over height which I would like to get off my chest.

I had been chatting with this former police officer for several months online on and off. I thought about asking her to look at my height which is about 5'7 since she is 5'10. Since she said she was an intelligent woman I did not ask her to do so since any intelligent person would have done it. When we finally agreed to meet at the local airport I was walking towards the restaurant when she suddenly texted me and asked what my height was. I thought this was odd since iy never came up before.When I told her my height she said she would go back inside. When I went in I said hi and asked if she would like to get a coffee and she said no. I left and texted her that if my height was so imporatant why did you not read my profile. She said that I was too short and she had larger body than me.

No wonder people do not like cops. Can't they read? She just wrote me off.

There are some other stories but I thought I would start with this one.




6 2,492
Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:00 PM
by Spider
So sick of this.

I really cant take it anymore... Bitches complaining that they can't date guys because of their god damn shoes. Also they have the nerve to say "I dont really mind but alot of guys seem to and that puts me off". Well why the fuck do you think we mind? You are the ones who constantly reject us because of it and then pretend its our fault!? Seriously we need to round them all up for a good soldering iron fucking.

6 2,169
Mon Jun 22, 2015 11:55 AM
by Mouse
Started by Dez
[ 1 2 ]
I have to vent

So my ex dumped me over not wanting to marry a man who was short. According to her friends she loved me deeply but she didn't want short kids. Now at first this made me laugh but now that a week has went by, I am pissed. How dare she claim she loves me and then tells her friends some BS like that. We haven't been together in 3 months, and I haven't seen her in nearly 4. The last few weeks of our relationship she was on VK and broke up with me from Mexico. Go figure. 

I actually asked her hand and  she turned me down saying she wasn't ready, and then 2 months later I got dumped. I feel embarassed, little, not good enough, I mean... Just like crap. The thing that I can't let go of is that she claimed to love me. Love don't pull crap like this. So I wonder how long she hasn't loved me for.

19 12,035
Sun Jun 21, 2015 06:04 AM
The inverse height horizontal guillotine

When we short guys finally get sick and tired of tall guys pushing us around, taking our jobs and women, and acting like they are the new master race. We should take advantage of the fact that they get everything handed to them, create a new, better society. Round them up like the women want to round us up and make them stand in line. A new "height requirement" will ensue, one where anyone over the height of 5'9 is now as unacceptable as women have claimed a height under 5'9 is. A kind of "inverse" height requirement if you will, in the form of a giant horizontal guilltone on rails, that will cut any and all of those tall fuckers down to size. Heck, maybe if they're lucky enough it'll just take their scalp off, kind of like if we're lucky enough we'll find a girl who doesn't care about height.

11 5,148
Tue Jun 02, 2015 01:30 AM
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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