Member Profiles: AuthenticDragon
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Recent Posts From AuthenticDragon
I noticed this. A few years ago, I was dating a woman who was 5'2 to my 5'5. Whenever we took pictures, she would comment on how big she thought she was.
I definitely didn't think this, and she wasn't. What I realized though is how internally, she was comparing herself to me, as in she'd probably look "smaller" next to a taller guy.
Very discouraging. I thought anything about her body. She wasn't fit, but definitely not out of shape.
We broke it off for other reasons (communication), but I'll never forget that.
All of the time. I'm always hearing "lighten up". 🙄
A woman in this particular sub-reddit goes on a rant and pulls data to prove that "short women don't have it easier in dating" which apparently "men say constantly".
The whole post and replies are laughable at best as their data shows exactly what we say. Their beef it seems is that they aren't getting as many dates as women who are average height, but if you look at the charts they attached to their post, they still have way more dates than average height men. For example a 5'3 woman has 82% potential matches, almost as much as a 5'10 guy and 5'3 is still under average height for a woman. On top of that, according to this data, a 5' woman has almost as many matches as a 5'8 guy. Don't get me started on the guys 5'6 and below.
What exactly was she trying to prove here?
I'll tell you what. She's only upset that she's not able to have the same success with tall men as women who are taller than her.... but, there is a whole sea of short guys she could date......b-b-but she doesn't want "them" lol.
You can find that Reddit post here.
As the saying goes, "Watch what they do, not what they say".