Member Profiles: captainjack987
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- captainjack987
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Recent Posts From captainjack987
Can you imagine what s***storm would be created if I had a "i love _____ girls, said no man ever".
Wouldn't matter what adjective you put in it's place, we'd see the burning bras and pitchforks coming our way.
American Eagle, Express and the GAP do it for me. I always find my size.
Those women are idiotic. His height has nothing to do with his attractiveness or talent.
Topic: Women go bat crazy when they find out Taylor Lautner is short
Post #7
Replies: 7
Views: 8,831
Re: What size bicepts are too large?
Thread Starter
Based on my height, at what point would you say bicepts would be too large to the point where it looks like I'm "compensating"?