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- captainjack987
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Recent Posts From captainjack987
When I look at actors like Daniel Radcliffe or Macaulay Culkin, I think of failed artists in the sense that when all of the cuteness disappeared, there were no roles for them. I'm talking about actors of our generation. Tom Cruise, Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman are from a different era where the average height for men was a tad lower. Tom Cruise played lead roles through most of his career, but he is borderline short.
See Radcliffe, he played a lead role in a romantic comedy. It seems like that's all that's left for short adult actors, movies that play up dumb stereotypes of short guys being buffoons (Ben Stiller, David Spade, Martin, etc).
Kristen Bell? Why the heck is she not on this list? Most of these actresses the OP has are rather old IMO no offense.
Heightism never "goes away". It's built into modern society as much but not as acknowledged as racism and sexism. It simply may mean less to you, but it definitley remains and is probably stronger than you remember it as a young man.
In my experience definitely. A a bigger girl is more self-concious and critical of her weight and wants to look as small as possible next to her weight. This is a generalization of course. I do remember when I was with a bigger woman she loved me and I ended the relationship for other reasons, but she would complain how we would look together in pictures. She'd always say "OMG I look too fat!".