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Recent Posts From Dez
I did growing up. It i very easy. Just keep up with the chemicals, use the filter atleast 3 times a week, and vacuum the pool once a week. You should be fine. What size you getting?
I never felt it was a problem. So many people view it like an illness and it is just rediculous.
I am a bit confused here LOL
I get what you are saying but I never felt the need to "take down the talls" so to speak. We all have just as much opertunity as men who are 5+ inches taller than us. We have just as many options in sports and money making jobs (think Nascar, Golf, Jockies, and so on) where they prefer shorter men.
The problem with this is that fat people choose to be that way, short people don't. Everything in the media right now is about accepting other people's choices. This is why an SA won't work. We aren't short by choice.