FA vs SA

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FA vs SA
post #1

What are your thoughts on the whole Fat Acceptance movement and how can we use what they did to make people less harsh and discriminating towards ups shorter men/women? (Short Acceptance)

"No, the major strength that "Fat Acceptance" (FA) has over "Short Acceptance?" (SA) is that FA has directly questioned and rejected the value judgment associated with their stigma. That is, being fat has been thought of as a bad thing since the start of the modern era at least. But this was never an issue because everyone agreed that being fat was ugly, unhealthy, and undesired. It didn't become an issue until someone stood up and rejected the social convention. Until someone actually rejected that idea and said "fat is not ugly - it's beautiful; fat is not unhealthy - one can be healthy at any size; and fat is not undesirable - we are proud to be fat." Once that happened, there was a *bleep* problem. Now there is a social issue at contention and the FA movement was born."

I read this on reddit. To read the whole thing, go here : http://www.reddit.com/r/short/comments/37qwsa/what_the_fat_acceptance_movement_did_right/

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Re: FA vs SA
post #2

The problem with this is that fat people choose to be that way, short people don't. Everything in the media right now is about accepting other people's choices. This is why an SA won't work. We aren't short by choice.

Mr Dixon
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Re: FA vs SA
post #3

I may sound dumb when saying this but people who are "proud to be fat" are not only setting a bad example for kids, but showing others how little they care about their bodies. Yes, having fat is one thing but being fat is a different story. I see nothing wrong with women being a size 8 or even beyond that, but when I see women who have guts that go past theri breasts, that is unhealthly and far from attractive. And men should not have moobs! 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: FA vs SA
post #4


Originally posted by Dez

The problem with this is that fat people choose to be that way, short people don't. Everything in the media right now is about accepting other people's choices. This is why an SA won't work. We aren't short by choice.

Well said. 


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Re: FA vs SA
post #5

I am sorry but this is just not going to happen. People who claim and celebrate the fat acceptance thing are only doing it to aim to stop teasing and it wont. Just like it wont for short guys.

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Re: FA vs SA
post #6

I'm not a fan of the Fat Acceptance movement because it is teaching everyone that being fat is okay and it's not. Short guys have no choice in their genetics and it is not "unhealthy" to be short. Being fat is unhealthy period. 

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Re: FA vs SA
post #7


Originally posted by HobbitLion

I'm not a fan of the Fat Acceptance movement because it is teaching everyone that being fat is okay and it's not. Short guys have no choice in their genetics and it is not "unhealthy" to be short. Being fat is unhealthy period. 

Being fat yes, having fat no. There is a difference. I am all for women and men having fat on their bodies, it is healthy and looks attractive but when you ARE fat (rolls, breathing problems, ect) that is a problem. Rule of thumb is when standing, you don't have rolls. That means you have fat and aren't fat. Get it?


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Re: FA vs SA
post #8

Good luck with this one. Most people are against FA even thought it is gaining popularity. The only reason it is is because over 50% of the population is overweight and 25%+ is obese.