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I don't know much about any of these people. We going based on looks?
Thanks for all your replies fellas. I decided to actually join my buddy's brother's gym. It is only for men and most men are on the shorter side from what I have seen. No Randy Ortons at this place which is a huge relief. I will see how it goes. I have to make a point to keep going. I have only went 5 times so far. I want to make it a Monday-Friday thing.
I dabbled in a few actually. Because I am not SHORT nor am I TALL, I fit in the category of not being a threat either way. It sucks though because no one ever took me seriously in games nor did I have to do anything to prove myself. No one cared.
I find this funny and sad at the same time. She not only says she wont date shorter men then her, but she wont be with one much taller. She then says she wont have short friends either. She must be one lonely arse person... See what I did there? LOL