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Recent Posts From Suarez223
I didn't know he that was 5'7. He is a funny comedian, though most of his jokes are about poking fun at American culture which gets old after a while.
Indeed! Welcome to the forum dmdrwithjeremy! Joe Pesci was bad ass!
Here in the Bronx you see that a lot. It's usually the lower class ratchet types though. A lot of women up here seem dumbfounded when you point out that most of their kid's fathers have kids with many other women. Of course, most of these men are tall, and if they're short, they have something to compensate (style, ratchet disposition, money, etc).
I'm not talking about general advice, e.g. wear clothes that make you look taller, etc.
I'm talking about comprehensive materials (e.g. a book, forum, website) specifically designed to improve short guys' game.
There is a free eBook on this site. You can start there.