Member Profiles: TheMog
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Recent Posts From TheMog
Western dating dynamics are slowly infecting the east. The average male height in China currently is around 5'8. Her starting off her requirements with 180cm is crazy.
i guess it depends on your definition of success. granted, many tall, good looking celebrities make poor choices when it comes to women but the key is that they always have a plethora of options & which one's they choose is a different discussion. studies and my own personal experience have proven that the worst physical characteristic a man can have when it comes to physical attractiveness is a lack of height. unless he has an outstanding face, the vats majority of women are simply not interested in short men regardless of whatever else we may have to offer.
btw, i don't think Bezos or Zuckerberg are good examples to be using as despite being 2 of the wealthiest billionaires in the world, neither seems to have done very well in the relationship department as no amount of material wealth can purchase genuine attraction.
I agree with you here in theory, but not in practice. There are too many tall men in the same situation. We can't say that tall men just made bad choices and then say that Bezos and Zuckerberg aren't good examples when pointing out shorter men in the same situation. The common denominator is money and money is a cheat code. The options they all have are due to lifestyle. Yes, the taller men may have had "more options", but it doesn't mean the shorter guys have none.
The same way we will put up with a bad attitude and sass if a woman is hot enough, tall men are given the same leeway with many women hence his success. His situation is horrible and would break most people, but he is able to get by. He would not have these same outcomes if he were in the situation, but 5'7 or 5'3.
Shave. I can think of a few celebrities or successful businessmen who are short and bald. Jeff Bezos and Jason Statham are the first few that come to mind.