A Designer Launched A Clothing Line Just For Short Guys

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A Designer Launched A Clothing Line Just For Short Guys
post #1

"Peter Manning is 5'8'' — only two inches shorter than the average American man.

And yet he found it almost impossible to find clothes that fit well without having to pay what he calls a "tailor tax" — the hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars short men spend having their clothing remade to flatter their bodies.

"I happened to run into a few major retailers at a party years back," the Tony Award-winning producer-turned-designer told Business Insider. "And I told them, 'I go into your stores and I can't really buy anything, what do you suggest I do?' And they both told me to get my clothes tailored, and I was like, 'That's not a good enough answer for 25% of American men!'""

This is from late 2013. I had no idea!! Here is his shop : http://www.petermanningnyc.com/

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Re: A Designer Launched A Clothing Line Just For Short Guys
post #2

Peter Manning has been around forever. 


Dark Willow
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Re: A Designer Launched A Clothing Line Just For Short Guys
post #3

You need to keep up with the trends dude. He has been making clothing for years. This line is newer but the name drop should have set a red flag off somewhere. lol