Any good dating apps for a guy my size ?(5'3)

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any good dating apps for a guy my size ?(5'3)
post #1

well lets just say that tinder and the other plentiful amount of dating apps that i own are not 5'3 friendly, so i was just wondering if you guys know of any that are? 

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Re: any good dating apps for a guy my size ?(5'3)
post #2

Hey Paolo,

I'm a dating expert who's 5'6" and a number of my clients have found more success with eHarmony and other niche apps, e.g. Jdate and, based on other selection criteria being involved.

That being said, I strongly encourage all of my clients who are less than average height to pursue other avenues to meeting women (through friends, sports, approach etc), rather than just online - simply because in the online world it's easy to for women to exclude shorter fellas, so that they're overlooked by default, no pun intended.

My shorter clients have the best results when they develop their personal presence and interpersonal skills to stand out head and shoulders above other guys. That's my personal experience and preferred approach to dating too.

Hope this helps!




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Re: any good dating apps for a guy my size ?(5'3)
post #3

What is your race/ethnicity? I ask because it may have an impact as to which women may be interested in you on dating sites. I agree with dateschool in that you will have better success if you expand your social circle. I see shorter Hispanic men like myself at my gym who all have or had attractive women and I've been to many mixer events where I see shorter Jewish men with attractive women or just partners overall.


Short Knight
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Re: any good dating apps for a guy my size ?(5'3)
post #4

The only 2 apps that have given fruit for me is


I put my height in the description and like everybody.

What you need for this app is.

- Very good pictures, filters, black&white etc.

- Low standart.

- Very good texting skills

I cant remember how many i've met from tinder, but it have been the primary app for me, been using it for 3 years.
I didnt date anyone, it was only for the sex.

Found my curret GF on there.



Im unsure if this app is international. Its basically hot or not in advanced version.
Its far easier than Tinder.
Its for older people, but also "trashier".

What you need:

- Decent pictures

- Patience

- Very very! low standarts

- Decent texting skills


I've gotten as much erotic time on this app within 4 weeks than 3 years of tinder.
up to 3 different a day.

Some with BF and children.

Last Edited By multinational (2017-10-12 09:27:57)