Anyone else hate clubs?

Short Knight
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Anyone else hate clubs?
post #1

A friend talked me into going to a club with him thi past weekend. Needless to say, there were very attractive, easy, drunk women everywhere. Not exactly what I go for. I never liked clubs and I now know why... These women wear these stripper style heels and even the short ones are taller than me! This not only makes dancing awkward but I feel like I am the shortest person in the place. It sucks. I sat at the time 90% of the time. I did meet a gal but she was just too drunk for me to carry on a conversation with her. I did get her number, debating on calling lol

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Re: Anyone else hate clubs?
post #2

Ehh drunk girls, heels, loud talking... Sounds likea blast!!

No, I don't like them either. I did when I was younger, not so much for the dancing or music, but watching the women dance and the drinks. 

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Anyone else hate clubs?
post #3

I never liked them because they were just too loud. I mean I can understand why many enjoy them but like you said, being in a loud place with drunk people gets tiresome fast.

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Re: Anyone else hate clubs?
post #4

I used to like them, I wont lie but as you get older, it just gets old. Loud music, drunks,fights, I think part of gorwing up is reallizing watching a football game at home with some buddies is more fun than regreting what happened the night before lol

Mr Dixon
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Re: Anyone else hate clubs?
post #5

You couldn't pay me to attend one. Bad music and over priced drinks are for the "cool kids" as they say. 

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Re: Anyone else hate clubs?
post #6

I never did, even though I used to go. I mean I am just not a crowd person. I hate being anywhere that is crowded, specially if it is loud. 

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Re: Anyone else hate clubs?
post #7


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

You couldn't pay me to attend one. Bad music and over priced drinks are for the "cool kids" as they say. 

I remember a long time ago I went to one where they allowed 18 year old girls in but guys had to be 21. So many of the chicks were underage and drunk it was sad.  

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Re: Anyone else hate clubs?
post #8

I still enjoy clubs myself but I never go in and get drunk. I will have a few drinks and just people watch and enjoy the music.

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Re: Anyone else hate clubs?
post #9


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

You couldn't pay me to attend one. Bad music and over priced drinks are for the "cool kids" as they say. 

You had me at over priced drinks. That is the reason I never enjoyed them. You pay a ton of money for drinks and bar food, you sit or stand in a corowded room full of what smells like sugar and vomit, and the music is always too loud and too bad.