Anyone here think...

Short Vassal
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Re: Anyone here think...
post #11

Ive been attacked, threatened with assault, am not taken seriously by other **men**, let along romantically by women.

Making a life is impossible from almost all angles due to my height, and concomitant lesser physical strength - in fact Im seriously considering trying to move to a third world country because Im normal size there - seriously, wake the F up.

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Re: Anyone here think...
post #12

> A platitude is a trite, meaningless, or prosaic statement

Understanding stress is not "meaningless" since it has significant and scientific impact on your well being.

> concomitant lesser physical strength


660lb squat at 123 lbs.

You're an elite at 320+ lbs if you can squat 595, he weighed 123lbs...

Strength isn't naturally acquiring, you have to engage in activities that encourages your body to optimize your muscle fibers for more strength.

It's hilarious how you are trying to victimize yourself on website filled with fellow short men. We know every struggle you went through; it's incredibly arrogant to tell us to "wake the F up," as if you are the only one who struggles with height.

Toughen up and educate yourself; as you noticed the world doesn't care about how your life is "impossible." Also most importantly get over yourself, why should anyone care about you if your attitude is so toxic.

Short Vassal
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Re: Anyone here think...
post #13

Sure bud, whatever.

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Re: Anyone here think...
post #14

Have to agree with ShortManLife. No one here is claiming that your struggles are meaningless or that you don't feel pain, but why would you even consider moving to a third world country where you would know no one, would have to deal with a different legal system, new culture and a new way of life? To escape heightism? There is no guarantee that your life there would be any better.

Short Vassal
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Re: Anyone here think...
post #15

Which third world country would you move to?

You said you live in Asia right?

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Re: Anyone here think...
post #16

Dude, what's up with the anxiety man? What exactly is it that you're fearing so much?