Being short has made me realize how lazy people are with themselves

Short Vassal
Height: 5'5
Location: Atlanta, United States
Joined: Jun 23, 2014
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Being short has made me realize how lazy people are with themselves
post #1

When I hear women complain about how fat they are, guys complain about how broke they are, or people complaining about how big their nose is, about their mole, etc I want to cringe. These are all things that can be fixed with effort or a few thousand dollars and a few days to a few weeks off. Short of Limb Lengthening, which is $100K and requires a two year recovery, there is literally nothing a short man can do to "fix" his "situation".

So knowing that the body image "problems" that people face are fixable within reach and that there is nothing that compares to being a short male in society today... you can be a morbidly obese woman or 4'9 and everyone will think it's just fine, but god forbid you are a man below 5'7.....