Better to be too short or too tall?

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Better to be too short or too tall?
post #1

Got together with a group of friends last night. We got into the topic of "which is better" and we all asked a question. 

This question got brought up and everyone said it was better to too short than too tall and the reson was, you can adjust your height with shoes and such but you can't shrink yourself. 

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #2

I have to agree but it depends on what too tall is. I would happily take being 6' over being the height I am.

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #3

I would rather be shorter than taller but I wouldn't mind being 5'8 or 5'9. haha

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #4

6' would be nice but I don't let it bother me anymore. If someone said I can be 6' tall tomorrow if I paid them $1000 I wouldn't do it.

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #5

We are all who we are. It isn't "better" to be any height.

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #6

i would like to grow to 5 ft 8. I wouldn't want to be above 5 ft 10 though

best thing about being short is not having to eat as much big_smile

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #7

Why 5'8?

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #8

I guess it would mean i could gain quite a bit of mass without looking too stocky and still look more proportionate than a tall guy. Plus it might open up my dating options a bit more.

That's not to say I don't accept my height. I'm 17 and I know I probably won't grow much more, if at all but if i could i would choose to gain 4 inches.

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #9

I think 5'8 is about the area where you can 'escape' heightism if you have a nice face and body. Women may be willing to 'overlook' height more easily at that point.

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Re: Better to be too short or too tall?
post #10

What's good though is that this less about his height and more about his physique.