Getting cut off mid sentence during meetings

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Getting cut off mid sentence during meetings
post #1

I've noticed that during meetings at my company I frequently get cut off mid sentence when sharing ideas or giving input, where as my taller colleagues are given room to express themselves. I also noticed that some of my shorter collegues tend to use their hands and a lot of body language while talking.

My way around this is to continue talking even when there is an attempt to cut me off mid sentence. How do you all deal with this?

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Re: Getting cut off mid sentence during meetings
post #2

This happens all the time at my job. I just stop them when they try to cut me off and let them know that interrputing someone when they speak is rude. I usually get an apology. 

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Re: Getting cut off mid sentence during meetings
post #3

I think a lot of it is your room "presence" which has a lot to do with your voice, and yes your size. This is a situation where you definitely need to compensate by being assertive and confident.

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Re: Getting cut off mid sentence during meetings
post #4

Ugh, there goes that word again "Confident". I prefer ASSERTIVE in this case rather than saying "Be Confident". I am a confident man, but it won't mean diddly squat if people have an opinion of you already. 

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Re: Getting cut off mid sentence during meetings
post #5

Why not both? If you seem confident in yourself that will make an impression on others.