Grow taller scam products that do not work

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Height Growth
Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #1

B-growth pro 

and the list goes on.  
One guy asked for a refund 3 times by e-mail. This is the response he got."get a life you loser." 
Those products guaranteed to make u grow 3-6 inches after using within 3 months. All u have to do is apply it on ur back and neck and behind legs area. Also use a towel to do 5 min stretching daily. They ask u to have a government doctor sign a form and proof u didn't grow if u want a refund. By the time u spend money on a government doctor to sign u'll pay more than the product itself.  
They ask u to use it for 60 days at least, since that's the time u won't be able to do a chargeback on ur credit card. Most products come from canada a few from the US. The substance is like oil and random stuff probably that u can get in the house. 
We made their BMW's payment for 4 months by buying those products.Keep buying them and u'll give them retirement. I wonder if they 'll ever go to jail? will they keep having success and earn a good income like that? 
In the US i guess if ur a good scammer u can get rich quick. retire in 5 years is possible. 

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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #2

It's marketing 101 and all naive, desperate people fall for it. It's the same with weight loss and hair loss products. People are willing to do anything to achieve their goal. The goal is either hard to or impossible to obtain. Blurt out some technical jargon, put together some diagrams and videos, back it up with a study or two and bingo bango, you have a product that will sell, even if its fake. I suppose you are right that the public lines the pockets of these guys. There is no way to get taller except for LL and even those guys are scamming. Thank the lord I have no desire to be taller.

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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #3

CNP Compound by Alkoclar


This Alkoclar man swindeled dozens of people out of $200 to several thousand dollars not too long ago after claiming to come up with some compound using CNP which made dwarves grow after maturity.


The GrowTaller forum and NaturalHeightGrowth had threads and stories about it and lead people to believe with lots of technical jargon that it could work on normal adults. No one has heard from that guy since.

Last Edited By HobbitLion (2014-07-20 08:57:33)

Short Vassal
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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #4

Thanks for letting us know about some of bad people in the industry. I have seen many people who sales products are claiming good results and end up with waste of time and money.

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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #5

Yikes thanks for posting this. I am going to spread the word to anyone I know thinking about trying this junk.

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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #6

All "growth products" are complete scams.

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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #7


Originally posted by HobbitLion

CNP Compound by Alkoclar


This Alkoclar man swindeled dozens of people out of $200 to several thousand dollars not too long ago after claiming to come up with some compound using CNP which made dwarves grow after maturity.


The GrowTaller forum and NaturalHeightGrowth had threads and stories about it and lead people to believe with lots of technical jargon that it could work on normal adults. No one has heard from that guy since.

It works. You need to increase CNP (or GC-B), FGF-2, IGF-1. Alkoclar research was published a year ago on harvard!!!

Japanese researchers are also testing this compound

"The present invention further relates to a method for screening for an agent for increasing a body height of an individual using the activity of GC-B as an indication, and to a method for extending cartilage bones free from FGFR3 abnormality by the activation of GC-B."


"A still further object of the present invention is to provide a method for extending a cartilage bone free from FGFR3 abnormality by the activation of GC-B."


High CNP levels activate GCB.
CNP = height in teenage age
CNP -> GC-B = height in adulthood (+ you must increase FGF-2 level)


Alkoclar products are too weak to increase CNP levels sad

Last Edited By waxman (2020-05-06 10:26:13)

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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #8


Originally posted by waxman


Originally posted by HobbitLion

CNP Compound by Alkoclar


This Alkoclar man swindeled dozens of people out of $200 to several thousand dollars not too long ago after claiming to come up with some compound using CNP which made dwarves grow after maturity.


The GrowTaller forum and NaturalHeightGrowth had threads and stories about it and lead people to believe with lots of technical jargon that it could work on normal adults. No one has heard from that guy since.

It works. You need to increase CNP (or GC-B), FGF-2, IGF-1. Alkoclar research was published a year ago on harvard!!!

Japanese researchers are also testing this compound

"The present invention further relates to a method for screening for an agent for increasing a body height of an individual using the activity of GC-B as an indication, and to a method for extending cartilage bones free from FGFR3 abnormality by the activation of GC-B."


"A still further object of the present invention is to provide a method for extending a cartilage bone free from FGFR3 abnormality by the activation of GC-B."


High CNP levels activate GCB.
CNP = height in teenage age
CNP -> GC-B = height in adulthood (+ you must increase FGF-2 level)


Alkoclar products are too weak to increase CNP levels sad

This garbage has been on the internet for years. Obviously it's still garbage because there is no concrete proof that this trash works. 

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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #9


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy


Originally posted by waxman


Originally posted by HobbitLion

CNP Compound by Alkoclar


This Alkoclar man swindeled dozens of people out of $200 to several thousand dollars not too long ago after claiming to come up with some compound using CNP which made dwarves grow after maturity.


The GrowTaller forum and NaturalHeightGrowth had threads and stories about it and lead people to believe with lots of technical jargon that it could work on normal adults. No one has heard from that guy since.

It works. You need to increase CNP (or GC-B), FGF-2, IGF-1. Alkoclar research was published a year ago on harvard!!!

Japanese researchers are also testing this compound

"The present invention further relates to a method for screening for an agent for increasing a body height of an individual using the activity of GC-B as an indication, and to a method for extending cartilage bones free from FGFR3 abnormality by the activation of GC-B."


"A still further object of the present invention is to provide a method for extending a cartilage bone free from FGFR3 abnormality by the activation of GC-B."


High CNP levels activate GCB.
CNP = height in teenage age
CNP -> GC-B = height in adulthood (+ you must increase FGF-2 level)


Alkoclar products are too weak to increase CNP levels sad

This garbage has been on the internet for years. Obviously it's still garbage because there is no concrete proof that this trash works. 

At least they are doing something to find a solution and not just deluding themselves and other people on the internet.

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Re: Grow taller scam products that do not work
post #10


Originally posted by batmanbegins

At least they are doing something to find a solution and not just deluding themselves and other people on the internet.

There is no solution to find. There is nothing wrong with being short. People come in all sizes.