Tall Girl - Short Guy - How do you kiss?
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Guys here who have a girlfriend. How do you guys kiss?

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Guys here who have a girlfriend. How do you guys kiss?
post #1

So I had this interesting conversation today where one of my female friends said she would never date a short man because she doesn't want to have to look down and have her man break his neck upwards to kiss her. Another woman said that was stupid and it didn't matter how you kissed. So I ask if you have a taller woman how do you guys kiss?

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Re: Guys here who have a girlfriend. How do you guys kiss?
post #2

Damn that is in interesting question, but thank god I'm 5'4 and my girlfriend is 4'8

Last Edited By minihercules (2016-08-04 10:38:26)

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Re: Guys here who have a girlfriend. How do you guys kiss?
post #3

I'm fly, so I swoop my lovers down into that famous V-J day kiss. wink

Short Baron
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Re: Guys here who have a girlfriend. How do you guys kiss?
post #4


Originally posted by minihercules Damn that is in interesting question, but thank god I'm 5'4 and my girlfriend is 4'8

Wow 4'8? How did you guys meet?