Hi. Forum just got better.

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Hi. Forum just got better.
post #1

Shorter than average guy here (for my ethnic background). Don't like to say short.

Coming up on the big 4 0 pretty quick.  5'7.5 tall. 175 lbs. lean muscle.  People guess 185-190 though. Happy to still have good hair. lol

Former highrise construction worker in Chicago, Ex-Army Sergeant, highly decorated multiple tour Iraq Campaign veteran, and in general bad Mutha...  I see big guys at the gym who can't bench their own bodyweight and I'm thinking, I weigh 80 lbs less than you and I can bench YOUR bodyweight.

I can walk into a room filled with people and know that very few if any men there have done the kinds of stereotypically "manly" things I've done. Yet, I still have these nagging insecurities about my height.  

I suppose forums like this can be good or bad, depending on what you make of them. Mostly just gonna put my 2 cents in.

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Re: Hi. Forum just got better.
post #2

5'7.5 isn't bad so you shouldnt be too insecure. I think once someone is 5'8, they are no longer considered short but below average. 

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Re: Hi. Forum just got better.
post #3


Originally posted by capsrtootall4here

Shorter than average guy here (for my ethnic background). Don't like to say short.

Coming up on the big 4 0 pretty quick.  5'7.5 tall. 175 lbs. lean muscle.  People guess 185-190 though. Happy to still have good hair. lol

Former highrise construction worker in Chicago, Ex-Army Sergeant, highly decorated multiple tour Iraq Campaign veteran, and in general bad Mutha...  I see big guys at the gym who can't bench their own bodyweight and I'm thinking, I weigh 80 lbs less than you and I can bench YOUR bodyweight.

I can walk into a room filled with people and know that very few if any men there have done the kinds of stereotypically "manly" things I've done. Yet, I still have these nagging insecurities about my height.  

I suppose forums like this can be good or bad, depending on what you make of them. Mostly just gonna put my 2 cents in.

Now THAT'S confidence! Welcome to the forum! Quick question. What was your experience in the army like (i.e. basic training and boot camp) and how were you treated by your subordinates? How long did it take you to reach your rank?

Short Lord
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Re: Hi. Forum just got better.
post #4


Originally posted by capsrtootall4here

Shorter than average guy here (for my ethnic background). Don't like to say short.

Coming up on the big 4 0 pretty quick.  5'7.5 tall. 175 lbs. lean muscle.  People guess 185-190 though. Happy to still have good hair. lol

Former highrise construction worker in Chicago, Ex-Army Sergeant, highly decorated multiple tour Iraq Campaign veteran, and in general bad Mutha...  I see big guys at the gym who can't bench their own bodyweight and I'm thinking, I weigh 80 lbs less than you and I can bench YOUR bodyweight.

I can walk into a room filled with people and know that very few if any men there have done the kinds of stereotypically "manly" things I've done. Yet, I still have these nagging insecurities about my height.  

I suppose forums like this can be good or bad, depending on what you make of them. Mostly just gonna put my 2 cents in.

What is your diet like? How often do you go to the gym?

Short Cadet
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Re: Hi. Forum just got better.
post #5

So, the Army is a good place for anyone who had the motivation to do well at it. I did my basic at Ft. Benning, GA. Home of the Infantry. Considered the toughest basic training in the Army. You will find people of every imaginable background and size. Tall or short, you are all made to feel equally worthless. There was a Drill SGT from another Company that was MAYBE 5'4. NO one laughed at this guy. He was F**king terrifying. 

Promotions are given by merit. I was promoted early up to Corporal because I took that sh*t. SGT and SSG you earn by having enough promotion points and passing a board in front of 1st Sergeants and the Command Sergeant Major. It is a test of knowledge, butb more than anything a test of your confidence and military bearing (composure). They want to know you can handle stress before you're leading Soldiers in combat.  Higher ranks are DA select by the pentagon. They look solely at your achievements and your photo, in dress uniform, chest up.

I was always one of the more respected NCO's in my unit. Soldiers followed my instructions with very little need for me to exercise discipline with them, although I would when necessary. My command relied on my skill and expertise in my field and chose me to head up several operations in Iraq.

5'6-5'10 is ideal height for a Soldier. Bullets and bombs don't give a sh*t about height. Easier to find cover and concealment as a shorter person. Also, Military equipment is meant to be usable by anyone, therefore, they design everything to fit a medium sized person. Weapons, vehicles, even how much food in a ration kit. Tall people HATE military vehicles. Knew a 6'2 tanker who had terrible hunched posture from stooping all the time.  

My platoon SGT in Germany was a little dude from Columbia. He was kind of a dick, but, he did well. I can't think of one time really that my height was referenced in a negative manner the whole time I was in. Maybe different for others, I dunno.

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Re: Hi. Forum just got better.
post #6


Originally posted by CorporateGuy



What is your diet like? How often do you go to the gym?


Just starting a bulk now so eating ~3500-3600 cals a day.

Protein from chicken breast, lean steak, ham, some fish (eat more fish when cutting).

Brown rice, whole grain breads, some pasta, granola (hate oatmeal) for carbs.

Natty peanut butter, nuts, olive oil for healthy fats.

Whey isolate shake post workout. Multi-vitamin, fish oil, creatine monohydrate for supps.  

Pre-workout been using Mr. Hyde. Just half a scoop cuz that sh*t is insane. Might stop cuz it makes my BP high when I take it, but great energy and pumps.


I workout:  

Mon  chest/tri's

Tues back/bi's

Wed rest

Thurs legs/abs

Fri delts/arms

Sat, rest

Sun rest

Short Lord
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Re: Hi. Forum just got better.
post #7


Originally posted by capsrtootall4here

I workout:  

Mon  chest/tri's

Tues back/bi's

Wed rest

Thurs legs/abs

Fri delts/arms

Sat, rest

Sun rest

Do you really get to commit to five days every week? Have you ever combined workouts to consolidate workouts to just a few days a week? (i.e. legs/abs + delts/arms).

Also have you noticed more women attracted to you as a result of the work you put in?