How to overcome mental blocks

Short Cadet
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How to overcome mental blocks
post #1

As short men, it is imperative that all other aspects of our attractiveness are maximized for us to have a chance. After realizing this, I have started to step up my fitness, style, hair, and complexion game. But there is still a lingering thought in the back of my head that's telling me, "Even if you put in all the work in the world, you will still not compare to a man who is 6 feet or taller, so you should pretty much just give up" I realize that this is somewhat irrational, but at the same time it isn't. Does anyone else suffer from this kind of thinking?

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Re: How to overcome mental blocks
post #2

I think the key element is learning not to give a damn about the 6 foot and up crowd. Not to sound cliche, but those women who want men that tall are going to want men that tall no matter what you do. If you are serious about getting that particular woman though, then you will have to do what you've already been doing which is step your game up on every level and make her feel those same emotions that guys in the 6 foot range make her feel without overdoing it.

Either way, we are kind of "compensating", but you don't want to do this in a pathetic, puppy dog way that may come off as despeate. In the end, she may still blow you off (no pun intended). 

My game is tight, and I have women telling that they only date tall guys all of the time, but I let it rock, because I have a bunch of female friends with short ass baby fathers lol. 

It depends on what you are looking for too. Are you looking for casual flings or a serious relationship with someone? Believe me, taller guys are dealing with mental blocks too. What about the bald guys and dudes with small wangs? Many of us shorter guys may not have those other problems. 

Short Cadet
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Re: How to overcome mental blocks
post #3

Good advice. The key really is to "do you." I also hate that there is a stigma against "compensating."